
An Online 8-Week Compassionate Communication Course Starting Wednesday, March 12th, 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

The Compassionate Communication course I attended taught by Jerry Donoghue was invaluable. Like most everyone else, before this course, I found myself occasionally caught in verbal conflicts with people close to me that I did not know how to resolve without causing more hurt. In this course, I learned how to listen to others more deeply, ask meaningful and appropriate questions, and use specific language that is connecting rather than alienating. By implementing these new skills in my daily interactions with others, I have been able to more readily navigate difficult conversations with less conflict. As a result, my relationships have definitely improved.
Ronya Banks, Founder of Asheville Insight Meditation Center

It is common knowledge that our loved ones challenge us the most to stay calm, compassionate and openhearted. 

No matter how much spiritual or personal growth work we have done, inevitably we get stimulated by something a loved one says or does and we lose our capacity to communicate with compassion. 

But these are the times we need our compassion the most!

The Compassionate Communication Course will significantly improve your relationship communication. It will give you skills and increase your capacity to be congruent with your value of showing up in a calm and compassionate way with the loved ones in your life.

This course lifts you out your ineffective communication grooves and gives you a new framework from which to communicate where you will experience peace, harmony, and a deeper connection in your relationship.

Specifically, this course will help you to:

  • Speak up for what you want in a way that can be heard.  There is nothing more empowering than to be able to know exactly what is true for you in any given moment and to express that to your partner in a gentle non-blaming way so he/she can hear you.
  • Listen in a way that your partner really feels heard: People who think they are good listeners are surprised by a new level of empathetic listening they learn in the course. Empathetic listening is a magic invitation for the other to respond in kind.
  • Transform judgment and criticism into understanding and connection: It is not enough to say to ourselves or others, “Stop judging!” You will learn a viable alternative way to express yourself that will replace the judgments and criticisms. You’ll also learn to hear judgments in a new way.
  • Improved sense of emotional and physical intimacy: What’s the first thing that goes when resentments build from poor communication? Yep, physical and emotional intimacy…the lifeblood of a relationship.
  • Both get what you want more often without using demands, guilt or shame: Granted, guilt, demands and shame “work” to get someone to do something for us, but at what cost? Resentful compliance? Reluctant giving? Silent Defiance? You’ll learn to request exactly what you want in a cleaner way that will inspire the other to want to give to you.
  • Adopt a new communication framework that moves you beyond power struggles to cooperation and trust: There is a tremendous amount of relief when you can get to the level of trusting each other to want to come up with solutions that you both feel good about.

Sometimes in your relationship, you don’t get a sense of being heard (which is frustrating itself), but deep down, you’re afraid this means he or she doesn’t respect or value you…

…and that’s the part that’s painful.

The Compassionate Communication Course will significantly improve your relationship communication and give you a steady sense that you’re respected, that you matter, and are loved

This course lifts you out your ineffective communication grooves and gives you a new framework from which to communicate where you will experience peace, harmony, and a deeper connection in your relationship.

Specifically, this course will help you to:

The Compassionate Communication course I attended taught by Jerry Donahue was invaluable. Like most everyone else, before this course, I found myself occasionally caught in verbal conflicts with people close to me that I did not know how to resolve without causing more hurt. In this course, I learned how to listen to others more deeply, ask meaningful and appropriate questions, and use specific language that is connecting rather than alienating. By implementing these new skills in my daily interactions with others, I have been able to more readily navigate difficult conversations with less conflict. As a result, my relationships have definitely improved.
Ronya Banks, Founder of Asheville Insight Meditation Center

  • Speak up for what you want in a way that can be heard.  There is nothing more empowering than to be able to know exactly what is true for you in any given moment and to express that to your partner in a gentle non-blaming way so he/she can hear you.
  • Listen in a way that your partner really feels heard: People who think they are good listeners are surprised by a new level of empathetic listening they learn in the course. Empathetic listening is a magic invitation for the other to respond in kind.
  • Transform judgment and criticism into understanding and connection: It is not enough to say to ourselves or others, “Stop judging!” You will learn a viable alternative way to express yourself that will replace the judgments and criticisms. You’ll also learn to hear judgments in a new way.
  • Improved sense of emotional and physical intimacy: What’s the first thing that goes when resentments build from poor communication? Yep, physical and emotional intimacy…the lifeblood of a relationship.
  • Both get what you want more often without using demands, guilt or shame: Granted, guilt, demands and shame “work” to get someone to do something for us, but at what cost? Resentful compliance? Reluctant giving? Silent Defiance? You’ll learn to request exactly what you want in a cleaner way that will inspire the other to want to give to you.
  • Adopt a new communication framework that moves you beyond power struggles to cooperation and trust: There is a tremendous amount of relief when you can get to the level of trusting each other to want to come up with solutions that you both feel good about.
I have found that practicing CC has enhanced my relationships, deepened my compassion for other people’s experience, and improved the quality of my professional practice. As a Child & Family therapist, I regularly use CC in family sessions, guiding family members to practice advanced empathy. I’m grateful for all that I learned and regularly recommend that my clients and friends take a class with Jerry. Anyone can practice CC and everyone who does will have significant results. It’s a relationship salve!
Heather Ruth Richardson, Therapist, LPC

Here are some potential reasons why this Compassionate Communication Course is the ultimate investment in yourself. Quite simply, what is it worth to you if you resolve these issues?

  • Money Issues (How much is made and spent; who spends it on what, financial infidelity)
  • Sexual Differences (frequency, ways to satisfy, decreases in sexual desire or drive, and fidelity)
  • Communication (not enough, the way it is done)
  • Time Spent Together (Amount and quality of time, who to spend it with)
  • Intimacy Issues (Emotional intimacy, availability differences)
  • Lack of Commitment (“follow through” with agreements)
  • Children and Step Children Issues (how to raise)
  • Unequal Need Fulfillment (One partner getting all their needs met at the expense of their partner)
  • Jealousy and Control Issues (insecurities)
  • Household Chores (who does what, fairness)
  • Families and In-laws (conflicts, personalities, etc.)

Taking the course, your return on investment comes either as a decrease in frustration, disappointment, or hurt in dealing with ongoing issues, or it comes as an increase, in intimacy, connection, or effectiveness… or both!

If the course helps you resolve even one of these issues above, it is worth it.

But the reality is this course has the potential to resolve ALL the issues above once you learn the principles.

Just imagine the relief you’ll feel the in knowing your communication with your partner is easy and you can honestly talk about anything. Right now you may not believe it is possible, but that’s because you’re coming from a mindset that doesn’t include the Compassionate Communication skills.

We give you the vital tools necessary for you to honestly express what is going on with you, and to connect with what is going on with your partner. We coach you to foster this mutual connection in such a way that many long-standing problems are calmly resolved.  

I have found that practicing CC has enhanced my relationships, deepened my compassion for other people’s experience, and improved the quality of my professional practice. As a Child & Family therapist, I regularly use CC in family sessions, guiding family members to practice advanced empathy. I’m grateful for all that I learned and regularly recommend that my clients and friends take a class with Jerry. Anyone can practice CC and everyone who does will have significant results. It’s a relationship salve!
Heather Ruth Richardson, Therapist LPC

Here are some potential reasons why this Compassionate Communication Course is the ultimate investment in yourself. Quite simply, what is it worth to you if you resolve these issues?

  • Money Issues (How much is made and spent; who spends it on what)
  • Sexual Differences (frequency, ways to satisfy, decreases in sexual desire or drive, and fidelity)
  • Communication (not enough, the way it is done)
  • Time Spent Together (Amount and quality of time, who to spend it with)
  • Intimacy Issues (Emotional intimacy, availability differences)
  • Lack of Commitment (“follow through” with agreements)
  • Children and Step Children Issues (how to raise)
  • Unequal Need Fulfillment (One partner getting all their needs met at the expense of their partner)
  • Jealousy and Control Issues (insecurities)
  • Household Chores (who does what, fairness)
  • Families and In-laws (conflicts, personalities, etc.)

Your return on investment comes either as a decrease in frustration, disappointment, or hurt in dealing with ongoing issues, or it comes as an increase, in intimacy, connection, or effectiveness or both! If the course helps you resolve even one of these issues above, it is worth it.

But the reality is this course has the potential to resolve ALL the issues above once you learn the principles. Just imagine the relief you’ll feel the in knowing your communication with your partner is easy and you can honestly talk about anything. Right now you may not believe it is possible, but that’s because you’re coming from a mindset that doesn’t include the Compassionate Communication skills.

We give you the vital tools necessary for you to honestly express what is going on with you, and to connect with what is going on with your partner. We coach you to foster this mutual connection in such a way that many long-standing problems are calmly resolved.  

We CAN make this a reality in your relationship!

"Find out how we all unconsciously respond in ways that block the flow of compassion, understanding, and empathy."

Taking the Compassionate Communication Course with Jerry has been transformational for me in re-framing how I phrase the way I approach speaking with individuals and addressing situations where there has previously been conflict or lack of understanding. Simply by seeing and phrasing communication in terms of the needs and feelings of BOTH parties has led me to a greater understanding of how communication can be vastly improved in its effectiveness, replacing conflict with cooperation and ‘walls with bridges’. The resulting changes in my relationships with those closest to me have been nothing short of phenomenal.  I have never before experienced anything as powerful in its simplicity with such wide-ranging benefits in the expansion of our collective consciousness. 
David Matluck, Business Owner

Some of the most common comments I get from people around week four of the course are this:

“I wish I had learned this years ago; my life would have been so much easier.”

“If I knew this information back when I was married, I probably still would be married.”

“I wish they would have taught this to us when we were children.”

This is the point where participants have the profound realization about how to speak differently, and they see this compassionate way has less wear and tear on their soul. Sadly, many single people who have taken the course realized they could have saved their prior relationships or marriages that ended had they known and used these skills. Don’t be one of these people!

Poor Communication In Your Relationship is Not Yours or your Partner’s Fault!

I’m sure many of you have tried and tried to communicate differently on your own. Maybe you’ve gone to therapy, done lots of personal growth work or made lots of effort to change how you relate to your partner with little or no results. I would guess you might have ended up blaming yourself or your partner. But please let me assure you…

There is no one to blame!

Why? Because here’s the critical thing that most people overlook: We can consciously want to change the way we communicate, but our unconscious communication habits are emotionally based and have kind of an immunity to change. They win out most of the time over conscious intention unless deeper learning is enacted.

And this is NOT your fault nor your partner’s fault, it is just life. Once we realize this we can take responsibility.

But taking responsibility is not assigning fault to yourself/partner nor blaming yourself/partner, it is positioning yourself to learn from your mistakes.

We all want to be heard, to have ease and loving connections in our relationships; the problem is, we all have learned a way of communicating that is entrenched in an ineffective framework; or we unconsciously respond in ways that block the flow of compassion, understanding, and empathy.

So we need to learn something new. That’s why I designed a comprehensive Course to support people in transforming their communication on a deep level for lasting results! Please join us to explore this new level of connection.

Course Tuition: Only $275.00 per person

We Have Only Limited Number of Spots Available for This Life-Changing Course on a First-Come First Basis.

NVC has not only changed the communication in my relationship, it has changed the way I think about how I communicate in my relationship. Instead of just saying things as they pop into my head, I can look at the needs I’m trying to meet and can communicate that more clearly. When feelings arise, I dig deeper to find the source of the feelings: what story am I telling myself about the situation that is triggering the feelings? I don’t blame my partner or others for my feelings. When my partner (or others) does something I don’t appreciate, I look past their action to the need they were trying to fulfill. NVC has helped me get in touch with the diverse palette of feelings I have, instead of the black and white world of good and bad.

Eddy Webb, Teacher Rainbow Community School

More than anything, what using the compassionate communication model highlights for me, is that when I go back to my old patterns, I now see how destructive and hurtful they are…I can see the costs for myself and my partner. Now I sometimes take the opportunity to hear the feelings and needs behind what my partner is saying. Since I’ve had some success using the model with my partner, I feel encouraged to continue learning and practicing it.
Araya Hansen, Life Coach, Sun Dance Life Coaching

8-Week Online Compassionate Course Structure and Cost

Group Details: A group will come together on Zoom or in-person once a week for eight consecutive weeks from 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern ..

For ONLINE Conference, you can use your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer to access the video conference. You can also access the audio only as well. 

Group: In these group sessions, you will get the first-hand experience using the compassionate framework before they apply it in your daily life.

Workbook and Course Book: Each participant will receive a free pdf workbook.

Practice Partner Sessions: Each week you will have experiential exercises to do outside the group work with a partner. This helps you apply the knowledge and skills to your life.

For Couples and Singles: You don’t have to come as a couple to participate in the course. Many single people take the course.

Cost: $275 per person Location: Online on an interactive Zoom Video Conference using smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.

Registration: There is a limit to the group size. It will be on first come, first serve basis. Don’t put it off, reserve your spot now. Fill out an online Registration Form and take your relationship to the next level.



The dynamic content we’ll cover in the 8-weeks

Week 1:  Becoming aware of our communication habits and learning how to start a compassionate conversation without shooting yourself in the foot.

Week 2: Building up emotional literacy so that you can express what is honestly true for you and connect with others on a feeling basis in a more compelling way.

Week 3: Becoming aware of what you and others want, value and need and why such awareness is the hidden secret to the resolution of conflicts and increasing deeper connections.

Week 4: How to ask for what you want in a way that is not demanding and easier for the other to hear and say yes.

Week 5: Understanding and using the power of empathy in all your relationships.

Week 6: Learning strategies that are beyond anger management when anger is surging in you or being directed at you by others.

Week 7: How giving yourself empathy first creates the conditions for you to compassionately and empathetically connect with others.

Week 8: How to share your gratitude of others in a way that inspires them to want to give and add to your life even more.

It’s Never Too Late To Invest In Your Learning

Ask yourself this question: When laying on your deathbed thinking back over your life, do you want to recount all the disconnecting times you were “right and others wrong?” Or do you want to reminisce and cherish the sweet, mutually satisfying connections with loved ones that you experienced?

I think the answer is obvious.