If you’re serious about using NVC in supporting others, you’ll want to know how to get past these 5 challenges.
When compassionately supporting people…
If you’ve ever been caught in the vortex of giving someone “endless empathy,” you know how overwhelming it can be. It seems like it would take decades of empathy for them to experience a shift. They’re holding pain on deeper levels that the empathy alone simply isn’t touching.
Inner Presence Coaching uses refined tools to penetrate to these deeper levels so the empathy can be effective.
When people don’t follow through with self-requests, it is because there is an unconscious need that is being met by not following through.
We’ve developed powerful protocols to support people to access these unconscious needs and bring them into the light of awareness.
As you try to support people to go deep with their self-empathy, so often their empathy morphs into some fix-it mode and the compassionate connection to themselves suffers. You might feel helpless when trying to find a way to keep the connection on track.
Inner Presence Coaching has developed a viable solution to this predicament that supports people staying connected.
When unconscious pain is associated with needs not being met, it is quite natural for people to equate stopping their pain with getting someone to meet their need. This brings on a lot of “demand energy” which makes it impossible to make a true request.
Inner Presence Coaching supports people to find and connect with the unconscious pain within themselves so they can hold the need lightly and are able to make a true request.
When learning NVC, it is universal how people notice the increased difficulty in applying it to family or loved ones. Why? Because our deepest wounds around being loved, valued, and our good/bad self-concepts are related to family and loved ones.
Inner Presence Coaching can negotiate these high-trigger contexts with grace and ease.
It can be extremely frustrating because you know the power of the NVC tools, yet in the face of these challenges, the tools can be rendered much less effective.
Yes, empathy is powerful on its own and can give people a green light for them to access deeper realms, but there are lots of obstructions for this to happen naturally; indeed, it can be very hit-or-miss.
Why not learn ways to have your contributions be more dependable?
Because of these challenges, Inner Presence Coaching was developed as an important extension of NVC work. Every protocol was meticulously designed to be congruent with the NVC principles and consciousness as taught by Marshall Rosenberg.
The net result is your contributions will inspire deep, effortless, and lasting changes. Check out the details of the 9-month program below to see if you would be interested in contributing to people in this significant way.
Inner Presence Coaching is a 9-month course that equips NVC facilitators and practitioners with the powerful skills to take their support to the next level when learning to guide people to go deep inside.
After completing the 9-Month Inner Presence Coaching program, you’ll not only be able to skillfully support people beyond the 5 challenges above (which is crucial), you’ll also:
- Develop a substantial income stream doing something you love (if you decide to charge for coaching services).
- Increase your presence in your inner world and bring awareness to deep unconscious beliefs will help you to experience effortless transformations.
- Be able to make deep and lasting contributions to people you support that are life-changing, which ultimately gives you a sense of purpose and meaning.
- Cultivate more referrals because, once clients experience these powerful sessions, they’ll be talking about them with friends both in and outside your community.
- Experience your own deep and lasting transformations as a way to support others to experience the same. (You can only go as deep with the supporting others as you have gone with yourself.)
- Experience more inner spaciousness, self-connection, and self-care. (Self-care is often an overlooked for those in helping professions.)
Jerry’s 9-month coaching program taught me how to support a person when I notice an inner conflict getting in the way of making an important decision or some desired forward movement. I notice how they get unconsciously stuck in their inner struggle with familiar patterns and habits and their parts have taken over the conversation. It is at this time that I offer an inner presence session to support the person to deeply connect with what’s going on inside of them. It’s offering them a way to slow things way down so they can get clarity and create the internal space needed to facilitate the natural shift that takes place when they are supported in such a meaningful way.
“The Inner Presence inquiry work overall gave me the personal awareness I needed to become very conscious of my disempowering unconscious patterns. The course not only helped me deflate these patterns but gave me the personal tools to notice almost immediately when they stand in my way of being who I really am. This is a new higher level of awareness that I have never experienced.“
“To my NVC friends, I’d say that I received a wonderful gift in learning to appreciate all parts of a person, and to be able to offer them an awareness that is exponentially more effective than simply listening and reflecting (no matter how deep and caring).”
Here are three reasons why this Inner Presence Program is the ultimate investment in yourself.
- The Math Makes Sense if You Want to Make Money Coaching: An Inner Presence Session costs between $75-$150 an hour. After taking the 9-month course, if you start seeing just two coaching clients a week, you’ll be making $800 extra a month. You’ll make back your investment in just a few months. It’s really a no-brainer.
- Your Increased Level of Effectiveness: This program will support you in making deep, life-changing contributions to your clients or people you support…which as you know, feels amazing! The return on investment of your increased effectiveness is your clients become long-time clients and refer others to your practice.
- Your Own Personal/Spiritual Growth: You’re investing in your own personal/spiritual growth. You simply can’t participate in this program without a major shift in awareness and seeing some long-standing issues being transformed. Hard to put a price tag on the increase in peace, inner spaciousness, and self-compassion.
You Will Thrive in This course if YOU…
- Have developed a capacity to empathize with others and self, and want to learn how to optimally use this capacity in deep coaching healing sessions.
- Know the value of working at the need-based level and have begun shifting your awareness from the right/wrong paradigm to the needs-based paradigm.
- Long to experience a sense of belonging and support with like-hearted people who share a value of depth and efficiency.
- Are willing to fearlessly explore and heal your own core wounds as a means to show up more powerfully to your clients’ core wounds.
- Feel things deeply and have a sharp mind that loves to learn new out-of-the-box methods and skills.
- Have an unexplained passion and motivation for helping others… as though it was second nature.
- You have a rich inner world and feel comfortable exploring your’s and other’s inner life.
- Want to make sure your support of others is from a spacious neutral position instead of it being subtly ego-driven.
- Want to inspire the highest truth realization in yourself and pass that inspiration on to your clients or people you support.
- Know the value of embodied transcendence —a transcendence that is grounded in connection to daily life feelings, and needs versus a transcendence that disassociates from daily life feelings and needs.
- Get excited about the healing power of pure presence and will actively work to purify your own.
Here’s What’s Included With The 9-Month Inner Presence Program
Here’s What’s Included With The 9-Month Inner Presence Program
The entire 9-month program will be conducted on Zoom Video Conference
- There will be no associated airfare and lodging costs.
- You can join the video conference on a desktop computer or your smartphone.
- If you’re traveling and don’t have internet access you can connect with just your phone.
Half-Day Kickstart Video Conference To Start The Program
This half-day video conference program will be the official start of the program on Saturday, April 12th, 2025. We’ll come together and get to know each other and create a safe container. We’ll also explore what is
20 Interactive Video Conference Group Learning Sessions
We will come together as a group via video conferencing. Groups sessions last 2 hours. The specific dates and times will be decided by the group and will work for everyone. These two hours group video conferencing sessions will be about teaching the core curriculum of 16 modules that will support you in becoming a professional depth coach.
We’ll also do Q & A time, and/or demonstrations of Inner Presence work. We will co-create an experiential learning environment that includes activities, exercises, demonstrations, practice coaching, handouts and more.
With each group video conference session you’ll receive:
- learning Modules with focused handouts expounding on the topic or skills introduced in the group sessions (see specific content modules below).
- a partner session assignment where you will practice new-learned skills with a someone else in the program or a practice-client outside the program.
- an individual practice assignments which will support your own awareness, presence
and emotional connections practices. - an audio and video recording of the group conference to review. Several students have reported they went back over the course after they finish the course and got a lot more the second time around.
3 Private Coaching Session With Jerry
These sessions will give you a sense of what your clients will experience in an Inner Presence session and reinforce what you are learning in the course. You’ll have an opportunity to use these sessions to give attention to anything inside that gets stirred up in the course or in your daily life. You can use them to do deep work on yourself.
As you are probably aware, the deeper the inner work you do with yourself, the deeper you can go with your clients. The more present you are to yourself, the more present you will be to others.
In fact, your effectiveness as an Inner Presence coach will increase exponentially when tending to your own challenges and opening up more space inside.
Ten Self-Paced Video Training Programs
These videos focus on a Relational Inner Map and give you a precise way to tease apart different aspect of the client that emerge in a session. These videos are packed full of useful information that takes people years to learn. Jerry has condensed and organized it all so that you can get the benefit of his years of study of in a very short time.
Once you internalize this information you’ll be poised to effectively contribute to clients because you’ll hear and see things you would have not otherwise heard or seen without the understanding of this Relational Inner Map. You’ll get the skills and confidence it takes to handle anything that comes up.
Look, you could spend 15 years of your life sifting through all the eastern enlightenment literature, the depth psychology modalities, and the compassion training as Jerry has done to come up with something equally effective, but why do that when he has done it for you already. You just need to plug yourself into the existing program and reap the benefits.
Personalized Attention…not a coaching factory!
This is a boutique coaching program designed for you to receive personalized attention from Jerry Donoghue, the founder
9-month Coach Program Price: $2,995
Special Price For The First 6 People Who Register: $2,250
(Hurry, REGISTER NOW...this price goes away when 6 people register)
An Unprecedented Money-Back Guarantee
This is a serious program design for people who are serious about supporting people in the world in deep ways. We are looking for the brightest lights in the NVC community to join us. We understand this is a considerable investment for some people and others are unsure as to whether they will resonate with program or facilitator. To ease your mind, we offer a money back guarantee that is extended through the first day of the program.
Here’s how it works: We start the 9-Month program with a half-day online workshop. After signing up and paying your tuition fees, if you decide this program is not for you after entirely attending the first half-day workshop, we will give you a 100% refund, no questions asked. We only want to invest time and energy in people who will resonate with this powerful, transformative work and take it into their communities.
Tuition Fee: $2995
($2250 for the first six who register, payment plans available) Registration Information and Payment Plans16 Dynamic Modules Will That Will Support You In Becoming An Amazing NVC Depth Coach!
What hidden mindsets do you operate out of when supporting people?
- The critical differences between inner presence-based support of students and other systems.
- The crucial mindset shifts you must make before you can step into supporting your students’ inner presence.
- How we determine what is an effective means of support.
- What conflict situations can teach us about presence.
- The most common responses helping professionals have with students that can seem beneficial, but upon closer inspection, are not so helpful.
- The most under-utilized and overlooked source of supporting another’s transformation, that’s been right under our noses all along….PRESENCE!
What is presence and how do you know you’re being present?
- How to work with presence as a dynamic state instead of a static state.
- How to avoid falling into the trap of making presence an ideal state to attain.
- The difference between contrived and uncontrived presence.
- The various referential markers indicating presence.
The basics of "seeing without evaluating" for particular inner contexts.
Imagine having a conversation with someone where they are speaking from such a high-level abstractions, there is little or no reference to what they are talking about as it specifically relates to their life. This is how many of us start our inner inquiries. We get trapped using labels before we even start! In this module we‚’ll learn:
- Why it is essential to make your daily life your meditation cushion.
- The biggest mistake people make when looking within and how to avoid that.
- How to see without using evaluative labels.
How to increase and channel your emotional literacy into deeply supporting yourself and others.
- Optimizing your emotional intelligence will allow you to connect more deeply with yourself and others, which means more efficiency in supporting effortless transformations.
- Attuning deeply to what others are feeling (even though they are not expressing feelings directly) will allow you to give others the gift of clarity and deep self-connection.
- Distinguishing between feelings and what are pseudo-feelings, so you don’t make the mistakes most people make when expressing feelings.
- Learning to access the emotional centers of the brain is the key to accessing hidden beliefs and constructs that impact our lives in so many ways.
Becoming aware of the hidden desires, wants, and values that operate in your life is the key to effortless transformations.
- How to increase your need/want/desire literacy in your own life as a way to connect with yourself and others in deeper, more meaningful ways.
- The truth about the relationship between what you feel and what you need/want/desire.
- How understanding what you desire radically empowers you in any given situation or circumstance.
Presence that includes empathy and compassion is the most powerful connection you can have with another.
- Effectively hold compassionate space for another, which allows them to powerfully connect with themselves.
- Clear yourself before being present to another.
- Empathetically reflect back what a person is saying and watch their whole body and disposition transform before your eyes. (It is rare to be heard on such a deep level!)
- Distinguish between Pseudo-empathetic methods you should NEVER use which take the energy and focus away from the other and draws it to yourself.
- Ask the wrong questions can cause the other to disconnect and inspire them to go up into their head.
Using parts terminology will liberate you from the “I” orientation embedded in our language.
- Using parts in describing our experience is so liberating.
- It is beneficial to determine what is and is not a part.
- It is important to know whether you’re identified with a part or not.
- It is important to speak for our parts instead of from our parts.
Categorizing parts of yourself will make it crystal clear what is emerging in your experience.
- Hold a high degree of Presence in the face of painful aspects of yourself and not be consumed by these painful parts.
- Hold presence for the parts of you that protect you and keep us safe from painful experiences.
- Practice holding presence for protective parts, which helps you disidentify from these parts as “me, in my entirety”.
- Understand that the parts we don’t like are looking out for our best interests, but doing so in a way where there are huge costs to the bodymind system.
How to bring presence to disowned, exiled or shadow parts which will inspire effortless transformations.
The deeper disowned parts of ourselves hold the keys to transformation. This is a level that people often do not access, yet this is where the potential lies for effortless transformations. The feelings and beliefs of those deeper parts have a dramatic impact on our lives in ways in which we are not aware. It is like they are running our lives from a script on how to be or not be, how to show up, who to associate with, or what careers to choose. In this module, we discuss the foundational knowledge needed to identify and connect with these shadow parts as they emerge. You’ll learn:
- The basics about how disowned parts are formed and why it is essential to learn the important information they hold for us.
- How bringing compassion and empathy to these parts can inspire monumental shifts in our beings.
- How our gifts and passions become casualties of protection from pain, and how connecting to disowned parts is the doorway to integrate these back into our lives.
How working from the widest possible perspective will give you the clarity you need to do life-transforming Inner Presence.
The Inner Presence work operates from a particular viewpoint or perspective. Learning this perspective will serve as an overarching guide when supporting ourselves and others. In this module we’ll learn:
- The labeling mistakes you want to avoid.
- Intimate knowledge of relationships between different part categories will increase your effectiveness in an Inner Presence Session.
- How to cut through the intractable inner loop between two different polarized aspects of yourself.
- Four critical questions to ask about the relationship between our conditioning and presence to arrive at an intention for the Inner Presence work.
How to hold presence and cultivate a particular kind of connection with our inner parts.
- Why this critical step is necessary to start an Inner Presence Session.
- How to check on the level of identification will save so much time and energy.
- What is an effective connection to internal parts and what prevents us from connecting effectively.
- Why spending time to cultivate a certain quality of connection is the key to going deep.
- How to acknowledge and welcome different parts.
The most effective ways to enter an Inner Presence Session with clients
The particular way in which you support a student to enter an inquiry session will hugely impact the effectiveness of the session. You’ll learn:
- How to explain what an Inner Presence Session is to students and familiarize them with the work to increase their comfort level.
- How to have a pre-session conversation to discern the object of the inquiry as well as particular contexts to start a session.
- How to ground the session for both you and the client.
Attuning and attending to the flow of an Inner Presence session.
- What are the roles of Coach and Client.
- How to create the open-ended space of the Inner Presence session.
- What are effortless transformations and how do they occur in a session.
- How to use invitational language to ensure the Inner Presence session is Client-led.
Working with parts that are concerned about the Inner Presence Session
- The seven most common concerns, and why they must be acknowledged.
- How to turn concerned parts into allies.
- How to negotiate with a protector part.
Using the At-a-Glance Prompt sheet in an Inner Presence Session
- When, and under what circumstances, to use the various prompts on the sheet.
- How to use the sheet to be aware of certain contingencies that arise during a session.
- How to use it as a live reference when doing a session.
Common obstacles to being an effective Coach
- The nine common ways a Coach can diminish the effectiveness of a session.
- The nine common ways a Client can diminish the effectiveness of a session.
If You're Still Unsure Whether This Program is For You or Have Questions, Sign Up For A FREE Exploratory Session Below
Yes, I would like to set up a FREE exploratory session.
Are You Ready To Offer Deep Healing Coaching To Your Clients?
($2250 for the first six who register) Registration Information and Payment PlansInner Presence Coaching Institute | 150 E. Chestnut St. #1 | Asheville NC 28801 | 828-252-0538 |admin@innerpresencecoaching.com